All posts by arnehulstein

Intercession trip from Moscow to North Cape

Report of the trip from Moscow to North Cape June 2008.

Preparation for this trip seems easy, but there are things that are very difficult to organize. We need to be tuned in with the Holy Spirit and keep on submitting the attacks of the spirit of humanism (the conviction that we can do it ourselves) to the Spirit of God.

The bookings for the hotels gave some trouble, applying for the visum didn’t work through the travel- and visum agency. Finally we are literally waiting two hours before a closed door of the Russian Consulate in The Hague, with a hand full of papers and forms like the health care insurance and travel insurance papers translated into English. But we keep being tuned in with God and one week later we were able to get the visum from the Consulate.

2nd intercession trip to Jerusalem – November 2008

Travelreport of the trip to Jerusalem from November 23rd until November 28th 2008.

For this trip we get this Bible scripture.
Exodus 23:16…”Finally, celebrate the Festival of the Final Harvest, or Festival of Ingathering, at the end of the harvest season, when you have harvested all the crops from your fields.

Earlier in our time of preparation we were pointed to the ‘Day of Thanksgiving’. This is mainly an American holiday, on the fourth Thursday of November, this year November 27th 2008.

3rd mission trip to North Korea April 2010

Saturday April 10, 2010

Scripture of the day: Joshua 1:7

Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.

There is quite of lot of resistance during the preparation period of this new mission trip. The contact moments with our contactperson went smooothly.

It took us about a half year to prepare for this trip. This trip we go as representatives, ambassadors of Jesus Christ, of the Kingdom of God (2 Corinthians 5:20).