Travel Report: Intercession in China and South Korea from December 14 to December 24, 2006
After two months of preparation, we interceded for three days on the Square of Heavenly Peace in Beijing and for three days at the border of South and North Korea.
Our preparation period was very intense. The plan was to go to North Korea and China first. In both nations there is a considerable persecution of Christians.
The instruction was to go as a couple and to be completely open about the purpose of our trip. The application for a visum to enter China was very easy. But the application for North Korea was very difficult. We ask God ‘Why is it so hard?’ God’s answer is Daniel 10, our intention to intercede in North Korea resulted in a tremendous amount of warfare in the Heavenly realms. There the question of Daniel 3 and 6 is pointed out: are we willing in North Korea NOT to bow before the golden statue of the Korean leader (idol) and are we willing to pray in public (which is forbidden there)?
We are willing to accept the risks that are involved with not bowing before the golden statue and to pray in public. Eventually we didn’t get a visum for North Korea.
From Beijing we go to Seoul, and from there to the border with North Korea to intercede and to ask forgiveness as a substitution for the people. It’s a journey where we have to work very purposefully and trust in God 100%. This deepened our relationship with our Father. God’s extraordinary willingness to forgive men and nations who have not done his will and are still not willing to do so made a very deep impression on us. This also applies to our own lives.
Scripture of the day: Exodus 3:4-5 When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!” And Moses said, “Here I am.” “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.”
We go with a sacred mission to once again claim the territory for God. God gave us the following word during our trip with the train to Schiphol airport: It is good what we are going to do for North Korea, but more is needed than this intercession trip.
God showed us a picture of the Pharao with Moses and Aaron. The heart of the leader will be hardened first, so God can show the world that it will be His work that changes North Korea.
Our instructions are to send a request directly to the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il, immediately after coming back from this journey. The request is to visit, to pray for him and speak a blessing over him, to bless and pray for the leaders of North Korea, and to bless and pray for all the people. We must send him the request that God’s people are allowed again to serve God and watch towards heaven.
This request will be send to Pyong Yang by e-mail with a Bible in the Korean language attached. In this way, the Bible will reach many people. As with Moses, it will be an act of perseverance.
The journey went successfully. Within 17 hours we arrived in Beijing. The weather is very cold and stormy. After a short walk we decided to stay in the hotel for the remainder of the day to further work on the plan for Beijing.
We determined the location of the Square of Heavenly Peace compared to the hotel. The first day we will bind the square by proclaiming: Isaiah 52, 53, 54, 55 and 56. We spiritually prepare ourselves.
Sunday December 17th – day 2.
Scripture of the day: Ephesians 6:10-12 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
We put on the full Spiritual Armour. The helmet of salvation. The belt of truth buckled around the waist, the breastplate of righteousness in place, the shield of faith, the footgear of readiness and the sword of the ability to distinguish good from evil. Around 11:00 AM we leave the hotel walking to the Square of Heavenly Peace. This was heavy both physically and spiritually. The map told us it was 4 kilometers, but it ended up being 16 kilometers. The forecast of 8 degrees celsius was actually minus zero degrees celsius. Spiritually we hold on to Micah 4 (God’s promise). The closer we come to the square, the more physical pain we endure. But with a good map we stayed on target. After 3 hours, we are at the Square of Heavenly Peace both tired and numb with cold.
While praying aloud and proclaiming Isaiah 52 to 56 we walk around the square. Doing this we determine the borders of the square. The soldiers who stand on guard at the openings of the square in my eyes transformed into the Cherubs with flaming swords (Genesis 4:24).
Estimated, the square is 1000 by 700 meters in size. It took us about two hours to take ‘ownership’ of the square. Now it’s already after 4:00 pm. In order to be back at the hotel before it’s dark and to save our bodies, we took a taxi back.
While proclaiming, I received the holy fire and hardly felt the tiredness.
Being back in our hotelroom we thoroughly cleansed the room and ourselves. For the next day we got the scriptures: to take possession of the square: 1st John 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2nd John, 3rd John and Jude. It will indeed be a battle against false teachers and lies. Maoism with their little red book and Buddhism is literally and spiritually noticeably present. On the square there are images of Mao, they offer us for sale the the little red book of Mao and there is a mausoleum for Mao and all different kinds of idolatry.
We will ask forgiveness for them, for the many things, in God’s eyes terrors, that have taken place. Curses that are spoken, on this square, over the people need to be broken. Especially the curses spoken by the imperial dynasties (false gods) over the people to keep them under their power and control.
Day 2: Monday December 18th.
After cleansing the hotelroom and dressing ourselves with the full Spiritual Armour, we went to the Square of Heavenly Peace to proclaim there the cross by going to the heart of the square. In this way we fight against the strongholds of disbelief and superstition, especially that of Buddhism and Maoism. From the heart we ask forgiveness for all the false teachings, manipulation of the people, breaking of the curses that are spoken over the people. Together this took us about two and an half hours.
We bless everyone that is present on the square that they may be drops of living water that irrigates China. At the end we are really numb with cold.
Back at the hotel, we contact the people at home to report our progress. They will be praying for us for spiritual and physical strength.
The scripture of the day for Tuesday, December 19th 2006 is Acts 1:8. “…and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Starting at the heart of the square we will walk to all 4 corners (diagonal) proclaiming from the gospels. To the east, Matthew 27 and 28. To the south Mark 15 and 16, to the west Luke 23 and 24 and to the north John 19 and 20. It was exactly the same instruction as we have done in the Graf Tomb in Jerusalem.
Day 3, Tuesday December 19th 2006. Scripture of the day: Acts 1:8
We are carried by prayers. Around 12:30 AM we arrived on the Square of Heavenly Peace. We take possession of the square through proclaiming God’s love for the people walking, as it were, in the shape of the cross across the square, diagonally. In the corners of the square we proclaim to the face to the world: Matthew 27 and 28, Mark 15 and 16, Luke 23 and 24, and John 19 and 20. At the terms of the cross we proclaim 1 Corinthians 13. Love.
We pray that God’s Word may go with the flow of traffic that are driving by in all directions. We bless all the people that are on the square. We break the power and the control of the false teachers, like Mao. We pray that God will touch the hearts of the people. That the youth will tell their parents about it and the parents their children.
Around 4:30 PM we end with the Lord’s Prayer at the centre of the Square. Which is the heart of the nation, the square and the people. With this we finish our task in Beijing.
Day 4: December 20th, 2006.
Scripture of the day: Psalm 20:7
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. Song 456: Some may trust in chariots, some may trust in horses, but our power is in the name of the Lord.
At 5:30 AM we leave for the Beijing Airport. After asking around we arrive at the place where we need to be. We proclaim and pray while flying over North Korea. We are very tired after having a short night of sleep.
At the airport in Seoul we are at the wrong bagage claim area. We pray for council. All of the sudden we are in front of our luggage after asking some people there. At a quiet spot we pray how we may continue.
We ignore the call of a taxi driver. By looking at an information sign we know where we need to be in order to catch the bus to Seoul. Then the map we bought didn’t have our hotel located on it. But at the information desk we get a letter in Korean to show us how to get to the hotel. We thank God for this unexpected way of getting us back on track.
That night we have the following instructions: to proclaim over the Korean people their trust in God. Psalm 23, the LORD is My Shepherd. Psalm 27: The LORD is my light and my salvation. Psalm 31:4: Since you are my rock and my fortress. And a prayer of forgiveness and repentance through Psalm 25.
Extensively we pray for Korea and while proclaiming the Psalms we change the word ‘it’ for ‘Korea’. Song number 459: Living Water (for Korea), comes into our mind.
We spoke with the manager of the hotel about our mission. He is Catholic and doesn’t have a Bible. During our conversation he points us to a large bookstore in Seoul. But how can we get the scriptures to North Korea?
Again we are pointed to the phrase ‘river of living water’. The day after tomorrow we are going to buy a Korean Bible.
Corrie writes the scripture down 7 times on A4 format paper in the Korean language.
Genesis 50:20 and Philippians 4:13. These scriptures we copy 70 times. These scriptures we will do in a little plastic bag and will throw it in the river when there is ebb tide and ask substituted forgiveness for the people of North Korea.
It is a tidal river and flows into the Yellow Sea. By rising water, the notes in the little bags will come ashore on the North Korean coast, from the Yellow Sea, as a sign of repentance and hope.
Tomorrow we take the train to the border with South Korea and North Korea.
Thursday December 21st, 2006.
Scripture of the day: Psalm 23: The LORD is my Shepherd.
Today we go to the city to buy a Korean Bible. We change our schedule to make sure we arrive at the border total tailored and well rested. So we can prepare the mission the day ‘signals of hope’ very well.
Indeed, we need to be led very well today. People speak English poorly and traveling with public transportation is no option. The taxi drivers don’t speak English at all. But the hotel owner tells us where we need to go.
In the bookstore we met only one person who speaks English. We ask for a Korean Bible and after some searching and questioning we can buy a bilingual Bible. And that’s a good thing for we don’t understand Korean at all.
With the help of the English language we find the Korean scripture. Secondly, we need the plastic bags. The staff of the shop doesn’t understand English. So we used a lot of sign language. God led us to shops and sure enough we found the plastic bags in the third shop.
At a bank, with the help of a bank clerk, we were able to withdraw some money from the ATM. That concern was now also removed.
Back in the hotel we start praying. When Corrie is praying for me, I hear: Trust God. Not for 90 percent, not for 95 percent, not for 99 percent, but for 100 percent. And devote yourself for 100 percent, by entirely tuning in the will, mind and emotion, on Him. Not my will, but your will be done. Not our own stories, but your thoughts. Not my own emotions but your emotions.
Yes, sometimes my own will and thoughts are still too much in charge, and am holding my emotions too much under control.
Meanwhile, Corrie writes in Korean: Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength. And on the other side Genesis 50:20. You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
This seven times at one side of the paper and seven times at the other side of the A4.
For Friday December 22nd. Scripture of the day: Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
We leave for the border with North Korea. The city Munsan. It takes us about 3 hours. We lay down the map of the Kim il Sung square in Pyong Yang, on the station square. It takes us about one and a half hour to take possession of that square with the scriptures from Isaiah 40, 41, 42, 43 and 44 that God is coming back again and to only have faith in Him.
Taking the cross, with James, by persisting through the trials the oppressed will be lifted high. They will experience the eternal crown and then proclaiming the gospels and love. We finish by praying the Lord’s Prayer.
Isaiah 40 to 44 seems to be written for the situation in North Korea. In a vision we see a consuming fire that consumes all injustice and iniquities that happened at the square. The golden statue melts, after which streams of living water come from 4 different directions, that cleanse and consecrate the square, as being the heart of North Korea. The love for God, others and themselves is returned. The letter of James against those who confess Christ only with words, the false churches.
In the train back, we read aloud the last part. We blessed the travelers with his love, being drops of living water. We finish with the Lord’s Prayer.
In the evening we are working hard at the hotel. We copied the scriptures 70 times. We cut 490 little cards and put them in the little plastic bags and close the bags. We had to do all this ourselves, literally and it took about 2.5 hours.
Meanwhile, we talk about our mission to the staff of the hotel. Why making so many copies? How do we get the scriptures in North Korea? The staff of the hotel became more and more enthusiastic. Corrie correctly copied the scriptures into Korean. A Korean recited this text to all of us.
We received help from the hotel: big plastic bags, scissors etc. They also help us in finding a good spot at the river where we can throw the plastic bags in the river.
Saturday December 23rd, 2006. Today we have a double schedule.
The scripture of the day: Genesis 50:20. You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
There is a little worry if we can get to the river. Will they allow us to throw all these plastic bags in the river? They are signs of hope in God’s river. We see a picture, that all the cards bring forth a ‘tree’ in North Korea. A fruitful tree in God’s Kingdom.
On the banks of the river, we ask 70 times forgiveness for them, for North Korea, the leader, all idolatry, horrors etc. that takes place there. We speak outloud, the scriptures that are on the little cards, facing North Korea. Then we throw them 7 at a time in the water.
Slowly but surely these bags float away on the water. Within a few days they will come ashore on the North Korean coast. For the receivers it will be an answer of God. It took us two hours to complete asking substitutional forgiveness.
While driving back to the hotel we see the bags floating in the water, a few kilometers away. It’s a life-giving event with the drops of living water and signs of hope.
In the afternoon we are taking possession of North Korea and giving it back to God. How to the point are the scriptures of Isaiah 30 to 34. Yes, North Korea focuses her hope on her strong neighbour China. And they threaten with their weapons, but all this will not take stand against God’s Spirit. Many strongholds and walls are taken down. Isaiah 35, Revelation 14, 20 and 21. Yes, there is hope for a new life for North Korea. We pray that Pyong Yang will become the New Jerusalem of the Far East. We finish with the gospels and the Lord’s Prayer in the heart of the nation.
Sunday December 24, 2006. Day 7: This day we will return home.
The scripture of the day is: Psalm 118, 22, 23 and 24. The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone; The LORD has done this. and it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Our travel back takes 20 hours. In the airplane, God speaks to us that it’s good how we obeyed him in our going. And he asks the question: Are you willing to give everything? I don’t know exactly how to take this question. After thinking for a little while I answer: Yes, I am willing to give everything. Corrie also confirms her willingness.
We are full of expectation for the things yet to come.
Hans and Corrie van der Have